Training List
1. Consumer Rights Act 2009 (Incentive and Empowerment)
2. Consumer Rights Act 2009 (Campaign and Complaint)
Training details
Vision: In establishing Sonar Bangla by empowering the consumer as well as the people by protecting consumer rights and protecting consumer rights.
Mission: Enhancing Consumers' Rights by creating public awareness through the spontaneous participation and propaganda activities of various government and non-government organizations and people.
Objectives: Ensure a consumer-friendly environment as a consumer-friendly environment.
Note: The necessary education and campaign to make people aware about consumer rights. Build public awareness about the benefits of conserving consumer rights and the evil of anti-consumer activities.
All the training is free, but the paper, pen and accessories costs will be borne by the trainees. At the end of the participation, certificates were passed between the passers of the exam. No TA / DA or honor is given. There is a chance to visit the field at its own expense to show in hand.
1. Consumer Rights Act 2009 (Motivation and Compliance) - All types of merchants, industrial owners, agents / entrepreneurs, product managers and public and private service providers.
2. Consumer Rights Act 2009 (Campaign and Complaint) - Consumers, consumer organizations, government employees / officers registered with the power to file complaints, and members of the district / upazila / union consumer rights committee.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS